Zombie Attack
Zombie Attack is a third person shooting 3d game, zombies can be killed by touching the screen.
You have different weapons that you can buy in the store.
Demo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rmtxtz70tzqnhba/demozombieattackv2.0.apk?dl=0
Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/KwbrE1_k2dQ
- Unity 2018.2.4f1 version or higher.
- 20 levels.
- Shop.
- Adjustable Difficulty: Easy mode and Normal mode.
- General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Earn coins by watching videos.
- Rate Us button.
- Sound/Music on/off button.
- Easy reskin.
- Admob banner and interstitials.
- Unity Ads (rewarded videos).
What You Get:
- Unity 3D Project (full source code), written in C# language.
- Sounds.
- Images.
- Blender 3D models .blend files.
- Documentation (pdf).
Sales Page: https://www.sellmyapp.com/downloads/zombie-attack/